Kindergarten dying eggs with their Guardian Angels!
Together fifth grade and pre-k3 built a village of peep huts to decorate for Easter.
First grade had fun dying eggs today using Kool-aid!
Third graders pretended to be restaurant patrons and servers today to practice with money. They worked together to budget their order, find the total cost, pay, and make change.
CHS 12th annual 5K Run Saturday, April 16 at Catholic High School 8:00 am.
6th grade completed their chapter on energy with a lab that studied the affect of temperature on the molecules of a substance
8th graders just completed their Chemistry unit with the ionic vs covalent bond lab
8th Grade is creating WWII propaganda posters for Social Studies
The 7th graders are learning about Utopian and Dystopian societies. This is helping deepen their understanding of "The Giver". We discussed John Lennon's song "Imagine" and how it depicts a utopia.
The 8th graders are wrapping up their study on Gothic Literature by reading "The Tell Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe. They also enjoyed reading the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Third graders tried some new technology today during social studies. We used the Plickers website and app to answer questions about George Washington.
PK4 is studying types of weather. We predicted, tested, and recorded which objects wind can move. We read about different types of clouds. Students are now giving their own weather forecasts in our dramatic play center.
Kindergarten has been reading the 3 Little Pigs this week. Today, we did a project called The 3 little pigs and the big, bad blowdryer. Kindergarten and 3rd worked together to plan and build houses, and the wolf (blowdryer) tried to blow them down.
Kindergarten has been reading the 3 Little Pigs this week. Today, we did a project called The 3 little pigs and the big, bad blowdryer. Kindergarten and 3rd worked together to plan and build houses, and the wolf (blowdryer) tried to blow them down.
Kindergarten has been reading and retelling the story the 3 Little Pigs. Today we retold the story using paper characters.
A wonderful third grade reader reading to PreK3.
We love Dr. Seuss in PreK3!
PreK3 and 5th grade enjoy spending time together
Which Bean Is More?
Fifth grade explores the various properties of matter using jelly beans and dry beans.
1st grade enjoyed shaving cream spelling today!