Celebratory King Cake for a social studies review! Finding the baby has its perks 💚💛💜
almost 3 years ago, 5th Grade
Shrove Tuesday celebrations 💚💛💜
8th grade took advantage of this beautiful weather and worked outside on their Shakespearean Sonnet Mad Lib!
almost 3 years ago, 8th Grade
6th graders had a great time in February!
almost 3 years ago, 6th Grade
Uno for indoor recess
Trying to find just the right pose for silent auction
More brain breaks with a quick follow the leader game.
Eye break when working on Khan academy
8th grade has continued their poetry unit by learning about iambic pentameter and other types of meter! The students used our technology to determine the meter for some famous nursery rhymes and songs.
almost 3 years ago, 8th Grade
Our third grader, Max, celebrated his baptism this past weekend. Congratulations Max! May God keep blessing you and guide you on your way.
almost 3 years ago, Paola Ricaurte
Max H
Thank you for your participation during the online Silent Auction!. If you won an item(s), please pick up at Hertel Hall tomorrow Sunday, Feb. 20 from 12:00pm - 2:00pm. Please contact the school office if special pick up arrangements are needed.
almost 3 years ago, Paola Ricaurte
silent auction ended
One more hour to bid!!! If you have the chance, come see us 🤗
almost 3 years ago, Paola Ricaurte
silent auction
Have you seen our Silent Auction items yet? Check it out at www.silentauctionpro.com and select group 1785. Or you can see them in person tonight after Mass in the Hertel Hall. We close bidding today Saturday at 9:00pm. Thank you for your support!!
almost 3 years ago, Paola Ricaurte
basket 1
Quilling project
silent auction
2nd grade doctors completing contraction surgery!
almost 3 years ago, 2nd Grade
Contraction surgery
Contraction surgery
Contraction surgery
Contraction surgery
2nd grade has enjoyed reading Click Clack Moo this week and trying out a typewriter.
almost 3 years ago, 2nd Grade
Click clack moo
Click clack moo
Click clack moo
Online bidding starts at 6:00pm today!
almost 3 years ago, Paola Ricaurte
Silent Auction
You’re never too old to play on the playground!
almost 3 years ago, 8th Grade
Kindergarten used heart shapes candies to help them learn more about addition problems
almost 3 years ago, Kindergarten
8th grader Reese Kollar celebrated her final basketball home game as an IHM Blue Angel! Congratulations Reese!!!👏
almost 3 years ago, Paola Ricaurte
Great job 6th grade with your recycled Ancient Rome projects!
almost 3 years ago, 6th Grade
A sample of all
Clay model and a picture of original building
Group pic!
Yes! Bingo is this Friday, Feb. 11 at 7:00pm. Come and win some cash!!!💵
about 3 years ago, Paola Ricaurte
bingo flier
IHM Silent Auction is around the corner!. If you would like to donate an item(s), please contact us at silentauction@ihmnlr.org and we will be happy to pick it up or make arrangements. Thank you for your continued support!
about 3 years ago, Paola Ricaurte
silent auction
Celebrating 2nd grade students with fun awards and book character dress up!
about 3 years ago, 2nd Grade
Fun start to National Catholic Schools Week. Students rotated through a variety of activities, including learning how to make their own bubbles!
about 3 years ago, 2nd Grade
NCSW’s Experience Knowledge Day was a success! Students put their architectural skills to the test to build the tallest marshmallow tower!
about 3 years ago, 8th Grade