4th grade is working on getting into the Christmas Spirit by performing Random Acts of Christmas Kindness. We "RACKed" 8th grade today by surprise decorating their door.
about 8 years ago, 4th Grade
We have been practicing telling time! Today we practiced with a buddy by playing a game called Roll the Time.
about 8 years ago, 2nd Grade
Today is the Feast of St. Nicholas! We put our shoes out in the hall and found a special treat inside!
about 8 years ago, 2nd Grade
PreK3 is learning about the true meaning of Christmas.
about 8 years ago,
8th grade is working hard on their STEM roller coaster project.
about 8 years ago, 7th Grade
7th grade had a great time on our field trip to the State Capitol Building and St. Andrew's Cathedral
about 8 years ago, 7th Grade
Student Council will be preparing breakfast for you again on Tuesday, December 13th. Come join us from 6:45 to 7:45.
about 8 years ago, 7th Grade
Check out PK4's classroom bakery! Up next: pies and gingerbread men!
about 8 years ago,
We loved the perfect fall weather last week! "This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in Him." Psalm 118:24
about 8 years ago, 1st Grade
“Advent is a journey towards horizon of faith.” (Pope Francis) Let's enjoy this journey together. Let's countdown the days until Christmas renewing our hope in the Lord who is coming!
about 8 years ago, Fr. Ruben Quinteros
Thank you to my sweet first graders and their parents for showering me with love the week of my wedding!
about 8 years ago, 1st Grade
First grade enjoyed the company of 2nd grade and 3rd grade at our Thanksgiving feast! We have so much to be thankful for!
about 8 years ago, 1st Grade
We had fun making Thanksgiving bracelets last week to help us remember the story of the first Thanksgiving!
about 8 years ago, 1st Grade
4th grade and our great chaperones had a blast on our field trip yesterday at the Innovation Hub in downtown NLR!
about 8 years ago, 4th Grade
Kindergarten is had a blast playing in the leaves today.
about 8 years ago, Kindergarten-Heidi Lagrone
7th grade is learning more about life in Victorian England so they can add that knowledge to discussion when we read "A Christmas Carol". They are surprised at how different life really is today!
about 8 years ago, 8th Grade
PK4 enjoyed learning about Native Americans and Pilgrims this November.
about 8 years ago,
The 7th graders are learning about Charles Dicken's life as we prepare to read "A Christmas Carol" before Christmas.
about 8 years ago, 8th Grade
“How can I repay the Lord for all the great good done for me?” Being GRATEFUL is the best way to answer to God as his children. Let’s be grateful children to our Lord. Let us make a “thanks list”.
about 8 years ago, Fr. Ruben Quinteros
2nd grade made our own q-tip bow and arrows after learning all about the Wampanoag Native American tribe.
about 8 years ago, 2nd Grade