What a great crew. Thank you to all who supported our students. Money raised will assist us in purchasing more equipment for future productions. Thank you!
almost 10 years ago, IHM
Students and faculty sponsors did such a fabulous job on the school play. We are blessed to have so many talented students here at IHM. Great job one and all!
almost 10 years ago, IHM
PK 4 enjoyed making and tasting fresh butter! Though all agreed it was a lot of hard work!
almost 10 years ago, Pre K 4 - Victoria Corrado and Jennifer Cordell
It is looking like there is a good chance of severe weather tonight, so we are rescheduling jump (high, long, and triple) practice for 3pm Sunday at Scott Field.
almost 10 years ago, IHM
Kindergarten and First grade garden!
almost 10 years ago, Kindergarten-Heidi Lagrone
Pre K 4 learned all about dairy cows and practiced "milking a cow" just like a farmer!
almost 10 years ago, Pre K 4 - Victoria Corrado and Jennifer Cordell
On Tuesday, we used magnifying glasses to take a look at a variety of seeds.
almost 10 years ago, Kindergarten-Heidi Lagrone
Kindergarten had a great time hunting the eggs that their Guardian Angels hid for them. Thank you 7th Grade.
almost 10 years ago, Kindergarten-Heidi Lagrone
IHM's annual dinner theater presenting Pinocchio is Friday, April 10th at 6:00 pm in the Parish Life Center. Tickets are now available in both the School and Church offices.
almost 10 years ago, IHM
Congratulations to Mrs. Kari Lazenby on the addition of Whitten William Lazenby!
almost 10 years ago, IHM
Happy Spring. The IHM Faculty and Staff wants to wish you and your family a safe and fun Spring Break!
almost 10 years ago, IHM
7th Graders create lasting connections to their reading project by writing, acting, editing, and finishing video productions in class.
almost 10 years ago,
CHS is hosting its annual 5K Run April 25th starting at 8:00 am. More information can be found under the documents section of our app.
almost 10 years ago, IHM
IHM Church and School is currently experiencing loss of phones and internet due to problems with the phone lines. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope that the issue is resolved soon.
almost 10 years ago, IHM
Field trip to Arkansas Arts Center to The Cat in The Hat!
almost 10 years ago, Kindergarten-Heidi Lagrone
Congratulations to the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition winners. Brennan Grimes-1st, Emily Daniels - 2nd, Ethan Pruss-2nd, Matthew Fellone-3rd, and Mitchell Pruss-3rd. Great job!
almost 10 years ago, IHM
Student Breakfast Tomorrow, Tuesday 10th. Como join us for a delicious breakfast: Burritos, biscuits, bacon, hash brown, milk and coffee for the adults. You cannot miss it! From 6:50-8:00.
almost 10 years ago, Paola Ricaurte
PreK3 is practicing writing their names!
almost 10 years ago,
We are learning about numbers and counting in PreK3.
almost 10 years ago,
The Book Fair is open!
almost 10 years ago, Library