Immaculate Heart of Mary School welcomes the ANSAA Validation Team of Kristine Grelle (ANSAA Director), Sharon Morgan, and Karen Hollenbeck. We hope you enjoy your visit to our school.
almost 10 years ago, IHM
School will be closed tomorrow, Friday, March 6th. This is a snow day and not a Cyber Day. Have fun and enjoy the snow.
almost 10 years ago, IHM
School will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, March 5th. Please see the homework section of RenWeb to get assignments for Cyber Day #3.
almost 10 years ago, IHM
Join us for the Scholastic Book Fair! March 9-13 Open 7:30-3:30 for parent and family shopping
almost 10 years ago, Library
...and the winner(?) of the custom-made Shakespeare Grammar and Literature game is...
almost 10 years ago,
Students continued their study of Mozart this week by doing research using the Little Amadeus website.
almost 10 years ago, Music Appreciation
Track practice is canceled for tomorrow, Wednesday, February 4th.
almost 10 years ago, IHM
Mickey math....making addition more fun.
almost 10 years ago, Kindergarten-Heidi Lagrone
IHM school will be closed today, Wednesday, February 25 due to the chance of snow during school hours. Cyber Day assignments will be posted no later than 9:00 am on RenWeb.
almost 10 years ago, IHM
IHM school will be closed tomorrow. Please see RenWeb for Cyber Day assignments. Enjoy the snow and be safe.
almost 10 years ago, IHM
If school is canceled tomorrow, IHM school will utilize a Cyber Day. Classroom work will be posted on RenWeb under the homework section by 6:00pm tonight. Please watch the app for school closings.
almost 10 years ago, IHM
Just a reminder that the IHM Mission begins this Sunday, February 22nd at 7:00 pm. The Mission will run through Wednesday night, with Confessions being heard after Tuesday night's session
almost 10 years ago, Church
Immaculate Heart of Mary will be closed Monday, February 23rd due to the inclement weather.
almost 10 years ago, IHM
Last one to post. We had so much fun yesterday using the Chrome books for reading and math skills.
almost 10 years ago, First Grade
This is serious business!!!
almost 10 years ago, First Grade
Concentrating really hard to find the correct sight words. Chrome book games are fun learning tools.
almost 10 years ago, First Grade
Fun with the Chrome Books.
almost 10 years ago, First Grade
More Jack and the Beanstalk activities.... planting bean seeds that will grow up to Giant's castle in the clouds.
almost 10 years ago, Kindergarten-Heidi Lagrone
We had a day filled with Jack and The Beanstalk activities. In math we used the Giants feet to find objects that were longer and shorter. We measured the Giants feet, our own feet, and other objects!
almost 10 years ago, Kindergarten-Heidi Lagrone
I have just received word that all schools will be closed today, Wednesday, February 18th. Please be safe as conditions are icy in spots.
almost 10 years ago, IHM