4th Grade families enjoy the Family Lunch.
about 10 years ago, 4th Grade
4th Grade families enjoy the Family Lunch.
about 10 years ago, 4th Grade
4th Grade families enjoy the Family Lunch.
about 10 years ago, 4th Grade
The Family Lunch during National Catholic Schools Week gives IHM students, parents, grandparents, and more the chance to spend time together and eat delicious hamburgers and hot dogs.
about 10 years ago, 4th Grade
There is “Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament” on Wednesdays from 1-9pm. Please feel free to attend anytime during this time when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed.
about 10 years ago, Church
PreK3 has been learning nursery rhymes! The Itsy Bitsy Spider is one of their favorites.
about 10 years ago,
Sixth grade students worked on finding non-fiction books in the library this week. They are learning that it is important to be able to do research using not only computers but books too!
about 10 years ago, Library
First Graders getting ready for Valentines Day! Working on fine motor skills: wrap a tissue paper around a pencil and glue it on the paper. It was fun and a beautiful art work!
about 10 years ago, Paola Ricaurte
This week we used the book Bear Snores On to discuss characters, setting, and events. Today we made our own characters and setting to act out the events from the book.
about 10 years ago, Kindergarten-Heidi Lagrone
Buddy reading again.
about 10 years ago, First Grade
What a great way to spend the afternoon, reading with a buddy!
about 10 years ago, First Grade
Parish Council Elections are this weekend. We have two positions to be filled. Thanks to Jeff Ward, Cassie Baldwin and Parish Council Elections are this weekend. We have two positions to be filled.
about 10 years ago, CYM
Crazy sock check! Which 4th grader wore the craziest outfit to celebrate National Catholic Schools Week?
about 10 years ago, 4th Grade
Good news! 8th graders are spreading the news that drug abuse in Arkansas is bad news. (Give-away items compliments of Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care)
about 10 years ago,
There is a new Master List for Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Servers, and Ushers for January thru June. For those that don’t have email, there are paper copies in the narthex of the church.
about 10 years ago, Church
There is “Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament” on Wednesdays from 1-9pm. Please feel free to attend anytime during this time when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed.
about 10 years ago, Church
Fourth Graders make models of fractions.
about 10 years ago, 4th Grade
TOMORROW!! Student Council will be serving breakfast from 6:50-8:00. Sausages, biscuits, gravy, bacon , burrito, juice, milk and coffee for the adults. Come join us, you cannot miss it!
about 10 years ago, Paola Ricaurte
Reading builds good character! First grade dressed as favorite book and bible characters to start Catholic School's Week.
about 10 years ago, First Grade
3rd grade did a great job turning basket balls into globes!
about 10 years ago, 3rd Grade - Amber Branscum