Today was the 100th day of school!! We are One Hundred Day Superheros. Students place 100 stickers on their capes.
Hope to see you at the PTO meeting tonight in our school cafeteria at 6:30 PM! Free childcare is available.
Kindergarten works on many different skills during literacy stations time.
8th Graders had their last home game last night. Thank you to the parents and athletes.
The final three for the spelling bee. Good job!
All the contestants and judges for our 2015 spelling bee! They all worked very hard to compete in this event.
6th grade has been working on adding and subtracting integers. We played orbit integer racing today!
Every fourth grader gets excited for the Firefighter's visit! He teaches fire safety and how to be a Survival Kid. Thank you to the Maumelle Fire Department for giving us this great program!
The three gifts of the Wise Men were gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The fourth grade created containers for them out of colorful paper and learned what they symbolize.
There is “Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament” on Wednesdays from 1-9pm. Please feel free to attend anytime during this time when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed.
Student Breakfast is TOMORROW Tuesday from 6:50 to 8:00. Please, come and enjoy our delicious breakfast: sausage, biscuits, gravy, burrito breakfast, BACON, juice, milk and Coffee for adults.
Immaculate Heart of Mary School has received a $25,000 Sturgis Grant. The Sturgis Foundation has blessed IHM School with its continued belief in our mission and goal of Catholic service to our youth.
There is “Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament” on Wednesdays from 1-9pm. Please feel free to attend anytime during this time when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed.
There will not be Mass and the Parish Office will be closed on days when there is no School at IHM due to inclement weather.
Fr. Hart and the Hot Springs Team are taking their annual trip to Haiti on January 12, 2015. They are asking for non-script non-liquid over-the-counter medicines. Please bring by the office by Jan 9
There is “Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament” on Wednesdays from 1-9pm. Please feel free to attend anytime during this time when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed.
New Year’s Mass Schedule
Dec 31 – 6:30 pm – New Year’s Vigil Mass
Jan 1 – 9:00 am New Year’s Day Mass
New Year’s Mass Schedule
Dec 31 – 6:30 pm – New Year’s Vigil Mass
Jan 1 – 9:00 am New Year’s Day Mass
Christmas Mass Schedule
Dec 24 – 5 pm – Children’s Mass
Dec 24 – 11:15 Christmas Music followed by Midnight Mass
Dec 25 – 9 am – Christmas Day Mass
Dec 25 – 3 pm – Vietnamese Mass
There will not be “Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament” on Wednesday, Christmas Eve.