Pre K saw snowflakes today.
about 1 year ago, Alisa Tubbs
prek snow
prek snow
prek snow
IHM Spirit Shop is open for orders! Contact the office to place an order for new gear.
about 1 year ago, Alisa Tubbs
spirit tee
We had a wonderful Pajama day! Merry Christmas!
about 1 year ago, 2nd Grade
pajama day and ready for a movie
pajama day and ready for a movie
pajama day and ready for a movie
pajama day and ready for a movie
Student Council had their first Snack Cart! Everyone enjoyed shopping for treats.
about 1 year ago, 2nd Grade
snack cart
snack cart
¡Viva nuestra Madre Santísima de Guadalupe! First grade celebrated and learned about Our Lady of Guadalupe yesterday! Forever grateful for the opportunity to grow in our faith! 💐❤️🙏🏼
about 1 year ago, 1st Grade
Thank you IHM families for all the donations to the hat and mitten drive!! Your generosity will bless many people at Our House in Little Rock. All hats and mittens will be delivered to the organization by next week.
about 1 year ago, 2nd Grade
hat and mitten drive
hat and mitten drive
hat and mitten drive
Thank you to everyone that supported our Student Council and joined us for breakfast!
about 1 year ago, 2nd Grade
student council breakfast
student council breakfast
student council breakfast
Don't forget about tomorrow's Student Council Breakfast! Please come out and enjoy a delicious breakfast at 6:45-7:45 am in our school gym.
about 1 year ago, Immaculate Heart of Mary School
Student Council's Hat and Mitten Drive is still going on through December 8th. Please help us help others in need. All benefits will be for Our House in Little Rock. Thank you in advance for all your support.
about 1 year ago, Immaculate Heart of Mary School
ihm-Student Council
Safe to say that our disguised turkeys survived Thanksgiving Break!🦃🥳👏🏼 #TotallyNOTaTurkey
about 1 year ago, 1st Grade
Mark your calendars for our Christmas Program on December 14th at 6pm.
about 1 year ago, Immaculate Heart of Mary School
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the school play will be rescheduled. The new date and time is yet to be determined but will be communicated once the school calendar has been reviewed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. All tickets which have been sold will be honored at the new date and time of the production. Thank you very much for your understanding. God bless, Brenda Hiegel IHM Principal
about 1 year ago, Immaculate Heart of Mary School
IHM Presents "Kid Frankenstein". Save the Date. Tickets on sale soon.
about 1 year ago, Immaculate Heart of Mary School
Our 5th grade Volleyball team won 1st place this Sunday. We are so proud of them. Go Blue Angels!!
over 1 year ago, Immaculate Heart of Mary School
Congratulations to our 5th grade Volleyball girls! They advanced to the finals!! Tomorrow they will be playing at Mount St. Mary's at 10:00 am. Come out and support our girls. 💙🤍💛🏐
over 1 year ago, Immaculate Heart of Mary School
"Our loved ones may be gone, but their spirit lives on forever." Kindergarten and first grade celebrating Día de los Muertos! 🧡💀🎨💃
over 1 year ago, 1st Grade
Bingo Night is almost HERE! Come out and have a little fun.
over 1 year ago, Immaculate Heart of Mary School
IHN-Bingo Night
All the entries into the Great Pumpkin Decorating Contest were outstanding! First place went to Anna Dailey for her Bluey pumpkin. Second place prize was for Ayleen Renter's First Broom pumpkin, and third place went to Zoe Wood's Stitch pumpkin. What a great job they all did!
over 1 year ago, Library
second place
first place
third place
Our 8th Grade Volleyball Team. #GoBlueAngels
over 1 year ago, Immaculate Heart of Mary School
IHM-Volleyball Team
IHM-Volleyball Team
IHM-Volleyball Team
An eventful last week of October for first grade! 🚒🙏🏼👻🎃
over 1 year ago, 1st Grade